Sunday, September 25

TED Talk Picks 2

   Another selection of interesting TED talks...

   1. "Rory Sutherland: Life lessons from an ad man"
   "Advertising adds value to a product by changing our perception, rather
   than the product itself. Rory Sutherland makes the daring assertion that
   a change in perceived value can be just as satisfying as what we consider
   'real' value -- and his conclusion has interesting consequences for how
   we look at life."

   2. "William Ury: The walk from 'no' to 'yes'"
   "William Ury, author of 'Getting to Yes', offers an elegant, simple (but
   not easy) way to create agreement in even the most difficult situations
   -- from family conflict to, perhaps, the Middle East."

   3. "Martin Seligman on positive psychology"
   "Martin Seligman talks about psychology -- as a field of study and as it
   works one-on-one with each patient and each practitioner. As it moves
   beyond a focus on disease, what can modern psychology help us to

   4. "Mark Pagel: How language transformed humanity"
   "Biologist Mark Pagel shares an intriguing theory about why humans
   evolved our complex system of language. He suggests that language is a
   piece of "social technology" that allowed early human tribes to access
   a powerful new tool: cooperation."

   5. "Eli Pariser: Beware online 'filter bubbles'"
   "As web companies strive to tailor their services (including news and
   search results) to our personal tastes, there's a dangerous unintended
   consequence: We get trapped in a 'filter bubble' and don't get exposed
   to information that could challenge or broaden our worldview. Eli
   Pariser argues powerfully that this will ultimately prove to be bad for
   us and bad for democracy."

   6. "Kevin Slavin: How algorithms shape our world"
   "Kevin Slavin argues that we're living in a world designed for -- and
   increasingly controlled by -- algorithms. In this riveting talk from
   TEDGlobal, he shows how these complex computer programs determine:
   espionage tactics, stock prices, movie scripts, and architecture. And
   he warns that we are writing code we can't understand, with implications
   we can't control."

   7. "Robert Lang folds way-new origami"
   "Robert Lang is a pioneer of the newest kind of origami -- using math
   and engineering principles to fold mind-blowingly intricate designs that
   are beautiful and, sometimes, very useful."

   About TED:
   "TED is a nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. It started out
   (in 1984) as a conference bringing together people from three worlds:
   Technology, Entertainment, Design. Since then its scope has become ever

   Previous TED Talk Picks:

Sunday, September 4

Mini-Reviews of Books Read, August 2011

   Mini-reviews of books I read last month: three novels and one non-
   fiction.  All quite solid, though nothing stands out as must-read.

   1. "Suttree" by Cormac McCarthy

   This rather epic novel is set in the 1950s, in and around Knoxville,
   Tennessee.  The title character, Cornelius Suttree, has turned his back
   on a life of privilege.  Instead he's chosen a hand-to-mouth existence
   as a fisherman, living in a houseboat on the Tennessee River.  Suttree
   spends his days with down-and-outs: drifters, petty thieves, prostitutes
   and other fringe-dwellers.  This leads to colourful situations, but not
   without risks.  For example, one night he goes out with friends, gets
   drunk and falls asleep in the car.  Some of the group decide to do a
   robbery, but they get caught and sent to the workhouse (a low security
   prison where inmates do manual labour).

   While this is a rather gritty, almost depressing novel, there are some
   lighter moments.  One of the recurring characters, Gene Harrogate, is a
   youth who gets himself arrested for performing indecent acts with water-
   melons.  He gets sent to the workhouse, where he meets Suttree.  After
   his release he hatches some harebrained schemes.  For example, when he
   hears about a bounty for potentially rabid bats, he baits a colony of
   bats hoping to claim a sizeable reward.  Another scheme involves
   tunnelling through a series of caves under the city in the hope of
   reaching the bank.

   Comparisons with other novels are often made.  Descriptions of daily
   struggles for the basics like food and shelter make it feel like a
   Steinbeck Depression-era novel.  The depictions of characters and
   capers along the Tennessee River are reminiscent of Twain's "Adventures
   of Huckleberry Finn".  And the denseness of prose recalls Joyce's
   "Ulysses" (a book I haven't dared tackle yet).  Some reviewers and
   critics argue that this semi-autobiographical novel is McCarthy's best
   work.  Unfortunately, I'm not inclined to agree.  While the language is
   often poetic, the novel's length and looseness in structure make it a
   bit heavy going.  Maybe I need more time for reflection?  For anyone
   wanting to dip their toes into McCarthy's work, I'd recommend starting
   with "The Road" and "No Country For Old Men".

   2. "After Dark" by Haruki Murakami

   This novel is set in the early hours of a single morning in downtown
   Tokyo.  While most of the city sleeps, an interesting and diverse
   collection of characters get involved in some drama.  Mari, a student,
   is hanging out at an all-night restaurant to avoid going home.  She
   feels guilt for not being very close to her older sister, Eri, who
   sleeps for days at a time.  In fact, Eri sleeps so deeply that she's
   dubbed "Sleeping Beauty".  Takahashi, a uni student and amateur
   trombonist, is taking a break from late night band practice.  He
   recognises Mari from high school when they hung out once.

   Meanwhile, IT worker Shirokawa prefers to pull all-nighters at the
   office rather than be at home with his wife and kids.  Sometimes he
   takes time out, picks up a call girl and visits the Hotel Alphaville,
   a "love hotel" managed by Kaoru, a retired female wrestler.  On the
   night in question, Shirokawa beats up his "date", a young Chinese woman
   and illegal immigrant.  Takahashi knows Kaoru, and often drops by the
   Alphaville which is close to where his band practises.  Takahashi
   happens to visit shortly after the Chinese girl is found unconscious.
   He remembers that Mari speaks Chinese, so he returns to the restaurant
   to ask her to help translate.

   The story is broken up into short chapters which follow parallel story
   lines.  The chapters describing Eri's sleep are a little surreal.  I
   found the characters intriguing, but I felt something was missing.  The
   coincidences made the plot appear a bit too contrived.  Perhaps it was
   too short, not allowing the characters enough room to develop?  While
   not my favourite Murakami novel, it's still worth reading.

   3. "Un borghese piccolo piccolo" by Vincenzo Cerami

   The title of this short novel literally translates as "a lower lower
   middle-class man".  It's the story of Giovanni Vivaldi (no relation to
   the Baroque composer).  Over the years he's managed to progress from a
   peasant farmer in Abruzzi to a job as a government bureaucrat in Rome.
   When the novel begins he's approaching retirement.  His only son, Mario
   has just completed his Accounting degree.  He is eager to give his son's
   career off to a good start.  One obstacle remains, namely the entrance
   exam for the Ministry.  Giovanni is willing to go so far as join the
   Masons if that can help his son.

   Halfway through the novel something happens to dramatically upset
   Giovanni's careful plans.  A rather bizarre chain of events follows,
   both tragic and comic.  The novel was made into a film not long after
   the book was published in the late 1970s.  The film stars Alberto Sordi,
   and goes by the English title "A Very Little Man".

   4. "Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions"
      by Guy Kawasaki

   This book by 1980s Apple marketing evangelist Guy Kawasaki tries to
   explain what it is about certain people and products that enchants us.
   In some ways, it's an updated version of Dale Carnegie's "How to Win
   Friends and Influence People", but goes beyond personal factors to
   products and services.

   It should be noted that the emphasis here is to enchant people, not
   manipulate them.  A product or cause must be noble for enchantment to
   be long-lasting.  It's possible to use the advice provided in the book
   to sell questionable products, but customers aren't likely to be fooled
   again.  The book covers a lot of ground in short order, with the main
   points being: likability, trustworthiness and a valid cause.  It also
   looks at how the latest communication technology can help enchant

   Given the author's background, Apple is mentioned quite a bit throughout
   the book.  Everyone who knows me knows I've been a Apple fan for years.
   But that wasn't always the case.  Back in the 1980s I actually loathed
   Apple, believing the company overcharged for inferior products.  All
   that changed in the early 1990s when I used a Mac for more than a few
   minutes.  There was such attention to detail that I'd never experienced
   with any computer I'd used before.  Apple enchanted me then and
   continues to enchant me.  Well, mostly.  Apple mice are a bit ordinary,
   but everything else is great.  Meanwhile virtually every other
   manufacturer has disappointed me or let me down, with a wide range of
   products: e.g. VCRs, DVD players, printers, mobile phones and toasters.

   The book is aimed mostly at entrepreneurs, but there's good advice for
   employees too.  There's even a chapter on how to resist enchantment.