Tuesday, May 20

Colin Fahey's Excellent/Bogus SAT Adventure

   From the Introduction:
     "The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is dreaded by high school juniors and
      seniors because a single SATurday morning can ruin the rest of their lives!

     "This article describes my system for getting extraordinary raw scores on
      this challenging test. Rather than fight the test, I use the SAT's
      difficulty to my advantage, leveraging down to a new, elite level of

     "Answering all questions incorrectly!

     "On 2003 April 5th, a Saturday, at the age of 33, I threw away my dignity,
      mocked my Ivy League education, disgraced my Master's degree, and proved,
      in just over three hours, that humans can do things 'The System' didn't

   Did he succeed? Read all the gory details in his (very) long report:
      < http://www.colinfahey.com/2003apr5_sat/2003apr5_sat.htm >