Monday, June 21

Big Steals

   1. "Scrap metal thieves steal historic locomotive"
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   "... a locomotive said to be the first ever built in Soviet Ukraine has been
    stolen from a museum"

   2. Bridges seem to be popular
   a. "Thieves steal bridge in Ukraine"
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      "Thieves in western Ukraine have dismantled and stolen an 11m steel bridge
       over the river Svalyavka"
   b. "Thieves steal 'railway bridge'"  [Romania]
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      "The pair had taken the 30 foot bridge, which crosses a small local river,
       apart piece by piece"
   c. "Penobscot bridge stolen"  [Maine, USA]
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      "Jane went for her usual walk this past Tuesday and found an empty space where
       the massive granite planks had rested for the past 150 years"

   3. "Burglar steals entire kitchen from house"
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   "A burglar has been jailed after stealing an entire kitchen, including the sink,
    from an unoccupied house and installing it in his own home"

   4. "Iowa thieves steal the kitchen sink"
          _the_kitchen_sink/ >
   "The police report said burglars took only a stainless steel sink with chrome
    faucet and the attached garbage disposal from a house under construction on
    the city's east side"

   5. "Humpty Dumpty falls into hands of thieves"
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   "Somebody took a 90-kilogram, 90-centimetre-tall statue of Humpty Dumpty from
    his perch on a downtown street"

   6. "Thief pulls giant pumpkin heist"
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   "A thief has hit a giant pumpkin competition on the New South Wales north coast
    stealing a ute-load of vegetables due to go before the judges"

   7. "Thieves steal cold-blooded Mr Cranky Pants"
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   "Management at the Australian Reptile Park on New South Wales central coast is
    concerned for the welfare of a 1.2 metre alligator, known as Mr Cranky Pants,
    that was stolen from the park over the weekend"

   8. "Man steals $729K Ferrari after test drive"
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   "The thief, a nattily dressed man who claimed he had flown up from Atlanta and
    had a limo waiting nearby, took the test drive Sept. 16 without producing a
    license. The ID, he said, was in the wallet he had left at the airport"