Friday, September 17

Alternative Versions of the Bible

   1. "And Jesus said to his people 'You boofheads'"
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   "In the beginning was the word and the word was 'G'day' - that's how the New
    Testament might have begun if Jesus had been born Australian, according to
    an author and broadcaster. Kel Richards has just completed a collection of
    favourite bible stories retold in Australian English"

   2. "Cor blimey! The Bible in cockney?"
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   "Seeking to bring the Bible to those who don't usually read it, a London
    religious education teacher has translated some of the best-known biblical
    tales into the colorful language of east London for the first time"

   3. "Magazine-format Bible uses pop culture to appeal to teens"
          %2FRTD_BasicArticle&c=MGArticle&cid=1031777446987 >
   "[T]he 'modern speak' in the magazine is appealing and easier for some people
    than more traditional forms of the Bible, such as the King James version"

   4. NHV (New Hacker Version) Bible Transliteration
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   "Finally! After years without God's word in their own L33T-speak language
    dialect, the Christian Hackers' Association is proud to introduce the NHV
    (New Hacker Version) Bible transliterated especially for hackers!"

   5. Klingon Language Version (KLV) of the World English Bible
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   6. "Church rewrites bible in feminist language"
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   "They are rewriting passages which are seen to discriminate against women, and
    are also using 'unbiased and just' language. The term disciple is to be changed
    to 'disciples and disciplesses' and forms of address such as Lord or Our Father
    are to be omitted"