Mutant (Non-Ninja) Turtles and Other Animals
Blinky has some new friends. Some items contain images that may freak you out. 1. "Shell shock at two-headed tortoise" [England] < > "A two-headed tortoise has come out of its shell in Dorset to find itself in the media spotlight" "Rare two-headed turtle found" [USA] < > "Two-headed turtles don't normally live longer than a year. However, the family's veterinarian says the turtle is in perfect health and as long as he continues to eat, he'll be just fine" 2. "Six-legged frog" < > "A six-legged frog has been found at a restaurant in China" "Girls discover deformed frog" [Minnesota, USA] < > "A group of girls catching baby frogs on a family pond in Minnesota dis- covered a leopard frog with 23 toes. The frog also has five legs" "5-legged frog finds new home" [Mississippi, USA] < > "A cat found the amphibian in Kiln, Miss., and brought it to its owner" 3. "Three-eyed, double-mouthed calf in good health" < > "A calf born in an east Texas town, about 60 miles east of Dallas, is thriving despite its two mouths and three eyes" 4. "Two-headed lamb born in China" < > "The lamb, one of four born to the same ewe, has four eyes and two mouths" 5. "Rare albino blue crab found" < > "Its shell was translucent enough to watch the water and air sloshing in its gills when it was out of the water" 6. "Hen produces spoon-shaped egg" < > "[T]he hen had laid a spoon-shaped egg, 8.5 centimeters long and 35 grammes in weight" "Perfectly formed egg found inside egg" < > "The smaller egg measures 3cm in length - around a quarter of the size of the egg it came in, which also had a yolk" "Hen egg found in duck egg" < > "Residents of a Romanian village are baffled after an elderly farmer found a hen egg inside a duck egg" In case you were wondering who Blinky is, here's a picture: < > and here's a profile: < >