Sunday, July 22

Odds and Ends, Sun 22 July 2007

   1. "Rejected Harry Potter endings..."

   2. "Uncle John's Supremely Satisfying Bathroom Reader"
   I haven't read this, but it looks interesting.  Topics include:
   How we got the Dollar Part 2; History of Tipping; Story of Garlic;
   History of Chocolate; How Does Soap Work?; History of the Bra;
   Origin of the Paperclip.

   3. "Money flows free in men's toilets in Japan"
   "The suburban sprawl of Saitama, north of Tokyo, does not make the news
    that often. But it is not everyday that someone visiting the toilet
    finds a box of 10,000 yen notes - each worth $A100, each wrapped in a
    traditional Japanese paper envelope."

   4. "If music doesn't move you, it's daggy"
   "Why do some people feel a great affinity with songs sung by Barbra
    Streisand or Barry Manilow, while others find them downright daggy?"

   5. Make your own iPhone, out of cake or LEGO

   6. Hide-a-Pod
   "It's really very simple. Just tell us what iPod model you want to
    protect and we provide a gutted and hinged Zune with our custom molded
    iPod casing adapter."

   7. YouTube - Microsoft Surface Parody

   If YouTube is blocked, try these alternatives: