Wednesday, February 20

Google Maps Mashups

   What's a mashup? [from Wikipedia]
   "In technology, a mashup is a web application that combines data from
    more than one source into a single integrated tool; an example is the
    use of cartographic data from Google Maps to add location information
    to real-estate data from Craigslist"

   As some of you know, I work for Carbon Planet: "the leading climate
   change company, offering business advice and personal solutions for
   today's carbon economy." [from the CP web site]

   Recently I developed a flight emission calculator for the Carbon Planet
   web site.  You enter in flight details (e.g. departure and arrival) and
   it estimates the greenhouse gas emissions.  I started a Google Maps
   mashup version, which shows the flights entered on a zoomable map:

   To try it, enter some flights details, click on "Add Flight to List",
   then click on "Show trip map" and go to top of page to see the map.  It
   needs some obvious user interface improvements, but hopefully they'll
   happen over time.

   Enough shameless self-promotion.  Here are some links to cool Google
   Maps mashups ...

   1. Photo Map
   Find photos taken at specific locations around the world.

   2. Ask the world > maps
   Has a few topical mashups.

   3. Global Incident Map
   "displaying terrorist acts, suspicious activity, and general terrorism

   4. | The online map game
   Search the globe for the featured places.

   5. gruvr
   Live bands in your area (they know where you are)

   6. Google Maps Mania
   "An unofficial Google Maps blog tracking the websites, mashups and tools
    being influenced by Google Maps."

   7. Cool Google Maps
   "Who knew maps could be fun?" - another Google Maps blog.

   8. "100 Things to do with Google Maps Mashups"