Saturday, May 24

Odds and Ends, Sat 24 May 2008

   1. The NeoCube
   "The NeoCube is composed of 216 individual high-energy rare-earth
    magnets. This allows you to create and recreate an outrageous number
    of shapes and patterns."

   2. Cryptograms
   A series of fourteen visual puzzles.

   3. "Ten Thousand Cents"
   "'Ten Thousand Cents' is a digital artwork that creates a representation
    of a $100 bill. Using a custom drawing tool, thousands of individuals
    working in isolation from one another painted a tiny part of the bill
    without knowledge of the overall task."

   4. "All the World In A Song"

   5. "Walking Bike"

   6. "Monowheel by Ben Wilson"

   7. "1873 Monocycle Replica Is a Mechanical and Engineering Marvel"

   8. liveplasma music, movies, search engine and discovery engine
   "Liveplasma is a new way to broaden your cultural horizons according to
    your taste in music and movies. Look for your favorite bands, movies or
    directors to obtain a map that details other potential interests."
   (Requires Flash)