Odds and Ends, Sun 17 January 2010
1. "Proof" that Avatar is actually Pocahontas in 3D <http://scifiblock.com/news/2010-1-5/look-at-this-avatar-pocahontas.htm> "Matt Bateman has taken it upon himself to create a fake leaked document with a Pocahontas plot description altered to include the names and locations of Avatar." I can't comment, as I haven't seen either movie. People have been posting videos comparing the two movies... <http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=pocahontas+avatar> 2. "Cute Things Falling Asleep" <http://www.cutethingsfallingasleep.org/> As the title suggests, this blog collects videos of cute things falling asleep, with ratings for cuteness and sleepiness. 3. "Nic Cage as Everyone" <http://niccageaseveryone.blogspot.com/> "Founded on the belief that everything in life would be better with a little more Nic Cage, the most unique and versatile actor of his generation." 4. "Star Wars Weather" <http://www.tomscott.com/weather/starwars/> "The weather forecast, as described by the planets of Star Wars." 5. "Back Story: What's Your Superpower?" <http://spectrum.ieee.org/computing/software/back-story-whats-your- superpower> "Google engineers debate the best superhuman abilities." 6. "Succeedblog" <http://succeedblog.org/> "A collection of the world's most epic, awesome, mind blowing Succeeds." 7. "YikeBike" <http://www.yikebike.com/site/about> A folding electric bike. 8. "Christmas Price Index" <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_Price_Index> "The Christmas Price Index is a tongue-in-cheek economic indicator, maintained by the U.S. bank PNC Financial Services, which tracks the cost of the items in the carol 'The Twelve Days of Christmas.'"