Monday, September 20

Odds and Ends, Mon 20 September 2010

   1. Paleo-Future
   "A look into the future that never was."
   e.g. "Electronic Home Library (1959)"

   Elsewhere on the net...
   * "Delightful paleo-gadgets of 1959"
   * "American City of Future (1925) #2"

   2. The Joys of Modern Technology
   * "Antivirus Programs"
   * "Why DRM Doesn't Work"
   * "The DVD experience: piracy vs legal"

   3. How Less can be More, while More can become Nothing
   * "The Less Feature"
   * "King Gustavus' Folly: The Story of the Vasa"

   4. "Things Organized Neatly"
   * "Food Stylist Linda Lundgren"
   * "Pencil sculptures"
   * "2010 World Cup"
   Looks more like an olympic torch, though.

   5. "This was done with a slide rule"