Wednesday, February 18

Lost In Japan

   I've had a fascination with Japanese culture ever since I did a project on Japan
   in primary school.  Today's B-List post looks at a couple of things loosely falling
   under the category of being lost in Japan, which on the surface would seem difficult
   in a country with so many people.

   A. Hikikimori

   1. Japan's Lost Generation:
      In a world filled with virtual reality, the country's youth can't deal with
      the real thing
      < >

   "Hikikomori has become a major issue in Japan. Loosely translated as 'social
    withdrawal', hikikomori refers to the state of anomie into which an increasing
    number of young Japanese seem to fall these days. Socially withdrawn kids
    typically lock themselves in their bedrooms and refuse to have any contact
    with the outside world"

   2. Japan: The Missing Million
      < >
   Web site for a BBC documentary I saw last year about the hikikomori condition.

   B. Lost In Translation
      < >

   This film includes several interesting aspects of Japanese culture, and how a
   couple of outsiders try to come to terms with feeling isolated within that culture.

   Of this year's Academy Award nominees for "Best Picture" it's the only film I've
   seen, largely because it's the only one I'd consider spending A$13.50 to watch.
   But I might borrow Mystic River on DVD.