Friday, February 20

The Sound of Silence

   No, this is has nothing to do with the Simon and Garfunkel song.

   * "Crank it! iTunes sells sounds of silence--for real"
      < >
   Not only can you buy some great tunes using Apple's iTunes Music Service
   (iTMS), you can also buy silence.

   * "Mix-up over sale of 'Silence' cleared up with a little talk"
      < >
   "We are very happy for the track to be sold to anyone who wants it as an
    individual download" -- Lee Ranaldo of Sonic Youth / Ciccone Youth

   * "The Sound... Of Silence"
      < >
   The original "As The Apple Turns" article referred to in the first link.
   Here's the playlist for the "Silence" compilation:
    1. "(Silence)" by Ciccone Youth, The Whitey Album (1:03)
    2. "Silence" by Bill Schaeffer, Grain of Sand (1:56)
    3. "(Silent) [1]" by Slum Village, Trinity (Past, Present, and Future) (0:04) [EXPLICIT]
    4. "Silence" by Guster, Keep It Together (0:30)
    5. "Silence" by Pat, Message from a Manchild (0:59)
    6. "(Silent) [2]" by Slum Village, Trinity (Past, Present, and Future) (0:04) [EXPLICIT]
    7. "Silence" by Dean Taba, More Is More (1:00)
    8. "(Silent) [3]" by Slum Village, Trinity (Past, Present, and Future) (0:07) [EXPLICIT]
    9. "Silent Track" by Robert Earl Keen, Walking Distance (1:01)

   There are "Clean" versions of the Slum Village tracks available if you prefer.

   Alas iTMS seems not to have John Cage's epic silent piece 4'33".  Which leads
   into ...

   * "Silent music dispute resolved"
      < >
   "Musician Mike Batt had paid a six-figure sum to settle a bizarre dispute over
    who owns copyright to a silent musical work"

   * "Radio 3 to air Cage's 'silence'"
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