Some Things That Are Good For You
1. Playing games a. "Video games 'good for you'" < > "The study found that 'shoot-em-up' style games that feature enemies that pop out of nowhere sharply improve attention skills" b. "Video game skills may give edge in life" < > "Researchers are finding players can make sharper soldiers, drivers and surgeons" c. "Games at work may be good for you" < > "Playing simple computer games at the office could improve productivity and job satisfaction" 2. "Even fake laughter is good medicine" < > "'Forced laughter is a powerful, readily available and cost-free way for many adults to regularly boost their mood and psychological wellbeing'" 3. "Scientists say singing boosts immune system" < > "They found that concentrations of immunoglobin A - proteins in the immune system which function as antibodies - and hydrocortisone, an anti-stress hormone, increased significantly during the rehearsal" 4. "Sleep may help restore memories" < > "[S]leep can rescue memories in a biological process of storing and consolidating them deep in the brain's complex circuitry" 5. "Mediterranean diet 'extends life'" < > "Drinking red wine and cooking with olive oil may help us to live longer, say scientists" 6. Chocolate a. "Cup of cocoa may keep doctor away" < > "This latest study suggests cocoa may be richer in antioxidants than better known 'healthy' drinks like tea and red wine" b. "Dark chocolate boosts antioxidant levels" < > "Eating chocolate can boost the level of heart-protecting antioxidants in the blood, but consuming milk at the same time cancels the potential health benefits" 7. "Caffeine may protect muscles from exercise pain" < > "University of Georgia researchers found that caffeine reduced thigh muscle pain during cycling exercise" 8. "Going for a pint could be good for the mind" < > "Researchers from University College, London, found that while a drink with your friends may be bad for your waistline, it could be good for your mind" 9. "Guinness 'can reduce risk of heart attacks'" < > "The researchers say it works as well as aspirin in preventing blood clots that can lead to heart attacks" 10. "Cinnamon spice produces healthier blood" < > "Just half a teaspoon of cinnamon a day significantly reduces blood sugar levels in diabetics"