Tuesday, December 21

Drunk and Disorderly Animals

   1. "Drunken moose alert in Norway"
      < http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_720572.html >
   "Many Norwegian moose are becoming intoxicated after eating large
    numbers of fermenting fruit, which are plentiful after the country's
    exceptionally warm summer"

   2. "Bear gorges on fermented fruit at brewery"
      < http://espn.go.com/outdoors/conservation/news/2004/0817/1861174.html >
   "A bear apparently bumped over barrels at a busted brewery and filled
    up on fermented fruit waste"

   3. "'Drunk and disorderly' chimps attacking ugandan children"
      < http://www.primates.com/chimps/drunk-n-disorderly.html >
   "Chimpanzees in western Uganda are increasingly raiding illegal brewing
    operations in forested river valleys and getting drunk on the country

   4. "Drunk jumbos chasing pregnant women"  [expired link]
      < http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,6259640%5E13762,00.html >
   "'Often it is found that, attracted by the strong smell of the liquor,
    wild elephants tear down the tribal houses where the brew is stored'"

   5. "Uni overrun by drunk birds"
      < http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,5846746%255E1702,00.html >
   "[B]irds feasting on fermented berries are getting drunk and playing
    chicken with the glass"

   6. "Alcoholic bear cured of vodka habit"
      < http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_436167.html >
   "An alcoholic Russian bear has kicked the habit after a millionaire
    animal lover paid for him to be treated at a drying out clinic"

   7. "Pub cat goes into rehab"
      < http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_1162123.html >
   "Pub cat Trixie had to go into rehab after becoming a drunk by lapping
    up left-overs from drip trays"

   (a John West post)