Tuesday, November 2

Animals Being a Nuisance to Cyclists and Drivers

   1. "Road hog attacks Hong Kong cyclist"
      < http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200309/s945739.htm >
   "A Hong Kong cyclist required hospital treatment after he was attacked and set
    upon by a wild pig"

   2. "Angry buzzard terrorises cyclists"
      < http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200406/s1130518.htm >
   "An angry buzzard is terrorising a quiet English country road by dive-bombing
    passing cyclists"

   3. "Postman plagued by jealous pheasant"
      < http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_882885.html >
   "'I think it sees me as a giant pheasant which it has got to see off. It is
    totally obsessed by me and the van. I have been attacked by dogs in the past
    but never by a pheasant'"

   4. "Beaver hit bus with tree"
      < http://www.aftenposten.no/english/local/article676806.ece >
   "The driver was suddenly faced with the astounding sight of a tree falling
    into the highway after an industrious beaver's after hours work"

   5. "Buffalo rams into Mo. woman's car"
      < http://www.click2houston.com/news/2647900/detail.html >
   "Tina Squires was driving in rural Independence, Mo., early Tuesday morning
    when a 1,200-pound buffalo rammed the side of her car"

   6. "Hitchhiking raccoon snarls traffic"  [expired link]
      < http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/news/07092003_animal_raccoon.html >
   "[S]he looked again at the gas pedal and saw a raccoon on top of her foot"

   7. "Hungry ferret causes commuter chaos"
      < http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200305/s858379.htm >
   "A hungry ferret has caused chaos on a commuter train in central England,
    leaping from passenger to passenger before ducking into the driver's cab
    and devouring his lunch"

   8. "Rats ravage bayside cars"  [expired link]
      < http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,9973039^13762,00.html >
   "Not content emptying seaside cafes of customers and sending families running
    from beaches, rats in the City of Kingston are now snacking under car bonnets
    and turning residents' vehicles into death traps"