Monday, November 29

Criminals Trapping Themselves

   1. "Caged thief had to help police arrest him"
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   "[A]s he smashed the window at the entrance the alarm went off, sending a
    rolling iron gate crashing down behind him. The thief was then trapped and
    on display while waiting for police to respond to the alarm"  (with photo)

   2. "Clumsy thief falls in bin"
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   "A bumbling thief fell into a clothes recycling bin and had to be rescued by
    firefighters"  (with photos)

   3. "King crab thief locked in freezer"
      <,4057,8511798%5E1702,00.html >
   "A Japanese man who stole valuable king crabs from a fish market was arrested
    after accidentally locking himself inside a freezer"

   4. "Robber found locked in getaway car boot"
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   "A German bankrobber was arrested after the driver of his getaway car left him
    locked in the boot"

   5. "Idiot breaks into glue factory to get high - and winds up stuck to floor!"
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   "Desperate Bill Henderson broke into a glue factory in search of the ultimate
    high, and 12 hours later stunned workers found him -- stuck to the floor!"

   6. "'Down the chimney he fell ...'"  [registration required]
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   "A Minneapolis man's imitation of old St. Nick on Christmas Eve brought cheer
    only to police and fire rescuers, who had to stifle chuckles while rescuing
    him from the narrow chimney of a bookstore in the city's Phillips neighborhood"

   7. "Burglar's plea after getting stuck in chimney"
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   "A man who allegedly tried to break into a restaurant in Texas pleaded for
    help after getting stuck in a chimney"

   8. "N.C. men get stuck in lake fleeing police"
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   "Two men fleeing police were captured after they ran across a muddy lake bed,
    lost their shoes and got mired in the muck"

   9. "Unlucky robber leaves crime scene battered"
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   "He allegedly grabbed some money but as he tried to leave through the roof the
    thief twice fell back into the shop"