Friday, April 1

April Fool's Day Hoaxes + March Postings Reprised

   A. April Fool's Day Hoaxes

   * Top 100 April Fool's Day Hoaxes of All Time
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   * April Fool's Day Atrocities: The Top 10 Worst April Fool's Day Hoaxes Ever
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   B. March Postings Reprised

   [Mutant (Non-Ninja) Turtles and Other Animals]
   * "Egg has tail"
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   "The egg, found by chef Wang of at his restaurant in Anyang city, Henan
    province, is normal size, but has a tail that is 3 cm long"

   [Modern Law Enforcement Techniques]
   * "Circus stunts to rev up Jakarta patrols"
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   "A new police motorcycle squad has been formed in Jakarta to patrol the
    Indonesian capital's mean streets and perform circus-style stunts to
    entertain the public"